Contact Us

If you have any questions or are interested in going solar please use the form on the right. Once submitted one of us will get back to you as soon as we are available to answer your questions or to help schedule a site visit.


709 County Highway 33
Cooperstown, NY, 13326
United States




Every farm is different - but often their electricity bill makes up a significant portion of their annual budget. Farms of all sizes can benefit from installing a solar project to meet some or all of their electricity needs. Depending on meter type, utility provider, and business structure and size, there are certain incentives and grant programs available. Revolution Solar can help figure out the most cost-effective solar system design and maximize the savings.

put unused barn roof or field border space to use - making power for you!

Now is the best time to check out solar. The federal tax credit is going down after this year; you’ll lock in long-term savings and eliminate your electric bill in the future; and be able to promote your farm’s sustainability mission.


Farm Incentives

- NYSERDA: free energy audit, NY-SUN, Affordable Solar

- National Grid Agribusiness Productivity Grant

- Federal and State tax credits

- MACRS equipment depreciation for business

- Rural Energy for America Program grant